PanACEA is a consortium of consortia which has brought together three TB drug-development sponsors and 11 associated clinical trial sites in Africa to conduct Phase IIa, IIb and Phase III trials for TB drugs and drug regimens. Through this coordinated effort, PanACEA has been building a strong framework of best practices, facilities, expertise and capacity required to conduct ICH-GCP and GCLP clinical trials for the current drugs as well as candidates currently in the development pipeline. One particularly noteworthy outcome of this collaboration is the development of a joint trial involving all three drugs and featuring the state-of-the-art Multi-Stage-Multi-Arms (MAMS) design  which will be lauched in early 2013.

The European and African PanACEA member institutions have already been collaborating successfully on a number of trials. Networking will be futher intensified during the conduct of the challenging MAMS-TB trial in which the majority of the PanACEA sites will participate.

PanACEA brings all its members together in its annual PanACEA meetings which have taken place since 2009 in autumn of every year. Each meeting has been hosted by one of the member sites in such locations as Moshi, Tanzania and Cape Town, South Africa. The meetings provide an excellent forum for the delegates for scientific discussion, updates on the status of the clinical trials, reviews of capacity development activities & scholarships and PanACEA organizational & structural updates. The 2013 Meeting will take place in Dakar/Senegal on 19-21 Oct 2013, preceeding the EDCTP Forum.

PanACEA member institutions are working closely with each other as well as with other consortia, such as the TB Alliance, the NIH,  industrial partners such as Pfizer, Tibotec  and several HIV consortia (AFreVacc and TaMoVac). PanACEA always welcomes new collaborations with consortia, enterprises and individuals from academia, industry or the non-governmental sector. Please contact us if you would like to partner with us.