Dr. Celso Khosa

Celso Khosa is the scientific director of Centro de Investigação e Treino em Saúde da Polana Caniço (CISPOC), Instituto Nacional de Saúde Mozambique (INS) since 2018 and he is responsible for the daily activities of PanACEA II in Mozambique.

Dr. Khosa has been a medical doctor and researcher at INS-CISPOC since 2013, leading the TB research program, implementing observational studies and clinical trials in TB therapeutics and diagnostics in adult and paediatric population. He is a last year PhD candidate in Medical Research / International Health at the University of Munich. Dr. Khosa is currently the Principal Investigator in several TB studies, including clinical trials for new drugs in TB and HIV treatment.

His main research interest includes tuberculosis, HIV and Comorbidities associated with HIV.