Prof. Gavin John Churchyard
Aurum Institute for Health Research
Johannesburg, South Africa
Aurum Institute for Health Research
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tembisa Hospital c/o Rev. R.T.J. Namane Drive and Flint Mazibuko Street Orangeview Tembisa Gauteng, 1736 SOUTH AFRICA Chief Investigator: Prof. Gavin John Churchyard Contact: Prof. Gavin John Churchyard Phone: +27 11 926 8445 Website: www.auruminstitute.org
Centre de Recherches Medicales de Lambarene (CERMEL) Formerly Medical Research Unit (MRU) GABON P. B. 118 Lambarene (Physical) P. B. 13901, Libreville (Postal) GABON Chief Investigator: Professor Martin Peter Grobusch Contact: Dr Abraham S Alabi Phone: +241 0717602 Website: www.cermel.org
Medical and Molecular Laboratories Limited MML Makerere University P.O. Box 7062 Kampala UGANDA Chief Investigator: Dr Alphonse Okwera Contact: Ms Geraldine Nalwadda Website: www.mak.ac.ug
Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI)-Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) P.O.BOX 2236 Moshi TANZANIA Chief Investigator: Prof. Gibson Kibiki Contact: Ms. Tupokigwe Jana Phone: +255 27 275 4201Fax No.: +255 27 275 3368 Website: www.kcri.ac.tz
University of the Witwatersrand Clinical HIV Research Unit (CHRU) Helen Joseph Hospital Themba Lethu Clinic Perth Road Westdene Johannesburg, 2092 SOUTH AFRICA Chief Investigator: Prof Ian Matthias Sanne Contact: Prof. Ian Matthias Sanne Phone: +27 11 276 8800 Website: www.chru.co.za
University of Cape Town Lung Institute (Pty) Ltd George Street Mombray Cape Town, 7700 SOUTH AFRICA PO Box 34560, Groote Schuur, 7937 Chief Investigator: A/Prof. Rodney Dawson Contact: A/Prof. Rodney Dawson Phone: +27 21 650 1910 Website: www.lunginstitute.co.za
1 Smal Street Bellville 7530 Cape Town South Africa Chief Investigator: Prof. Andreas H. Diacon Contact: Mrs N. Hughes Phone: +27 21 917 1044 Website: www.task.org.za
Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics,
Stellenbosch University, South Africa